Google wants to make it easier for you to send yourself files

Google wants to make it easier for you to send yourself files

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Google recently released a feature that allows users to quickly send data, like photos or documents, to a nearby person with a Chromebook or Android device. Now, it appears developers are working on updating that feature so users can easily send data across their own devices.

Nearby Share came to Chrome OS devices in June and competes with similar technologies like Apple's AirDrop. On Sunday, Chrome Story, a Chrome and Chrome OS-focused blog, spotted an "add feature flag" in the Chromium Gerrit referencing an addition to Nearby Share called Self Share. The feature "enables seamless sharing between a user’s own devices," the flag reads.

Self Share would allow you to send data to yourself without the use of email or third-party cloud drives. Using Bluetooth, WebRTS, or peer-to-peer Wi-Fi, data should transfer to a nearby Chrome OS or Android device in seconds.

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